Where is the best place to grow cannabis indoors? 2019 Updated
Where is the best place to grow cannabis indoors?
Even if growing cannabis is legal where you live, security and concealment are still something to consider. If you can help it, you don’t want to attract potential thieves, gain the attention of overzealous law enforcement, or annoy your neighbors. Keeping your grow private is a good idea even though you’re not doing anything wrong.
Make sure your space is easily sanitized; cleanliness is important when growing indoors, so easy-to-clean surfaces are a must. Carpeting, drapes, and raw wood are all difficult to clean, so avoid these materials if possible.
When you’re just getting started with growing marijuana indoors, you may wonder what the easiest solution to help accelerate your progress may be. Grow tents are some of the easiest and most common solutions to growing and storing your plants. Grow tents come in multiple sizes and styles to suit any growing needs. You won’t need to drill or mount hooks or vents and you’ll have maximum control over your growing conditions. These often are sold as ready-to-go grow tent kits, too.
Benefits of Using a Grow Tent
Easy Installation: Preparing the perfect growing space can be hard work. Lights need to be fixed in place and holes need to be made for ventilation. All surfaces must be prepared correctly including the floor which must be waterproof. On top of this, the whole thing has to be completely light proof. By using this pre-made structure, you eliminate the stress of physically building a growing room.
Use space wisely: An indoor grow tent can take up as much or as little space as you want. They are ideal for growing in areas you normally wouldn’t think of, such as a garage or closet.
Because you control the environment, you don’t need to worry about temperature and light fluctuations. They are light enough so that moving them around, even with your plants inside, is no worry.
More Energy Efficient: The important reason why you may want to utilize a grow tent is simply that it’s energy efficient.
Luckily, grow tents are designed with a focus on power performance, permitting you to maximize your gardening effort without damaging you financially.
The fastest growth of crops: A grow tent has reflective materials that ensure proper lighting. It ensures the best output to grow your desired plants safely with the fastest growth.
Pest Control: Because grow tents are completely sealed, its pretty much impossible for pests and parasites to get in there. The chances of contracting pests are reduced dramatically.
So, if you think you’re ready to begin, you can start HERE to begin choosing the tent and options best for you.