ECO Farm ECOY 600W LM301H Movable vs GeekBeast 630w Reviews 2021

4 min readJan 9, 2021


When you think of providing lighting to your plants and especially when you think of Best LED grow lights, you are probably thinking of the chunky blocks of lights which come in panels with glasses on front. However, Quantum board grow lights are quite different from what you are envisioning right now. In this article, we shall discuss in detail as to why the marijuana plant needs lighting and how much light does it need. We shall also be discussing the different kinds of lighting — but our focus here will be on the best Quantum Board LED grow lights that you can get in the markets today. We shall be reviewing some of the best options that you can buy off Amazon right now and provide you with detailed information about it.

Why Choose LED Grow Lights?

People have been using Plasma, Fluorescents, T5 grow lights, HIDs for a long time now. While all of these systems are definitely different, it’s not their differences, but rather what they have in common, that makes them all less efficient than LED grow lights.

What is more, different LED light reviews approve great results for people working with them!

The startup cost with a lot of these lights is less expensive, which is what the allure is in the first place.

In truth, everything but regular fluorescents cost an extravagant amount of money to run.

Because these lights are so bright and concentrated (they are trying to replicate the sun, after all), they’re driving up your electricity costs to insane sums.

Lights like plasma lights are indeed very good, but they can cost thousands of dollars a day to run.

Yes, you read that right.

Though fluorescents are inexpensive to run, you need to think about how a fluorescent light would stack up against the sun.

These lights aren’t only driving up your electricity costs by running, but also by generating heat.

In order to maintain a suitable temperature, you need an effective cooling and exhaust system.

When these lights are filling up your grow room with potentially harmful heat, you’re going to have to run special equipment to keep it cool.

Not only does that go towards your electricity costs, but you also have to buy all that gear. This means the best Samsung LED grow lights will affect your work in different ways.

It adds a new level of complication to the process because the temperature will now be something you have to strictly monitor.

Other lights aren’t targeted to your plants and are not providing the necessary wavelengths for certain stages of their growth.

This will likely mean you’ll need other lights to supplement blooming and vegetation. That’s more things to buy.

That’s more you need to keep up with. That’s yet another layer of complexity that you don’t even need to deal with.

LED grow lights solve all of these problems

GeekBeast 630w Pro

  • Bright light
  • Worth the price
  • Full-Spectrum
  • Has Infrared
  • Generates little amount of heat
  • Ideal for boosting flower development
  • Energy efficient

ECO Farm ECOY 600W LM301H Movable LED Grow Light Bar

  • Bright light
  • Worth the price
  • Full-Spectrum
  • Has Infrared
  • Generates little amount of heat
  • Ideal for boosting flower development
  • Energy efficient


LED grow lights need to be kept at an appropriate distance from the plants — keep them too near the plant and you risk burning it and keep it too near and then you would risk not providing adequate light to the plant (particularly the lower portions). Hence you need to ensure that you keep the lights hung at just the right distance. The most basic way to do this is known as ‘back of the hand test’. Place your hand on top of the plant and keep moving the light slowly downwards till you begin to feel hot and then move it significantly upwards. The light, as a rule of thumb, needs to be farther from the plant during the growth phase buy nearer during the flowering phase. The distance should be adjusted till you come to the perfect position.

If your plants are showing all the signs of a healthy growth, you can be assured that they are getting enough light. While there are no signs of plants getting ‘enough light’, there sure are signs that tell you that your plant is not getting enough light! These signs or identifiers are:

  • The leafs of your plant will get yellowish and start dropping
  • The growth of your plant’s leafs will get stunted
  • The stem will start drooping

Sometimes, when your plants are getting excess light, you will begin to notice that the tips are getting burnt and that there will be random patches on the leafs. You need to watch out for them as well.

Final thoughts

LED grow lights are designed to provide your plants with lights similar to the sunlight spectrum required for growth. The LED mimics the sunlight spectrum needed for every and different stages of growth. These lights provide your plants with systematic daylight for hours needed and can be switched on and off for users to regulate. They have bloom and vegetative mode, wherein specific light is provided to trigger bloom and vegetative stage in the plants. These lights are designed to help you grow indoors, just like you can grow in sunlight outdoors or way simpler.





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